Tips for First Time Attendees
You may want to bring:
– Notebook, loose paper, or print off the power point handouts for notes. Or, you may choose to use your laptop to take notes.
– High lighter if you like to highlight key points!
– Business cards or address labels for exhibitors and networking.
– Dress business casual, wear clothes and shoes that are comfortable; dress in layers (even in summer, conference centers are usually brisk).
– Don’t skip sessions or the exhibit hall; you will miss valuable information and networking.
– Please visit all the exhibitor booths; network, get to know your local reps and thank them for supporting our conference!
– Please ask questions about new products, get information e-mailed and samples sent to you to trial in your facilities. There are always new evidence based products to see.
– Introduce yourself, meet your colleagues and make new friends.
– Don’t hesitate to ask questions; you will be surrounded by knowledgeable, supportive colleagues always willing to share and support you.
– Have a challenging ostomy or fistula case? Or, a successfully resolved challenging case? Would you like suggestions from knowledgeable, expert WOC nurses? Send in a few pictures and brief summary for the chance to present your case.
– Networking with peers and product representatives; increasing your WOC resources and support.
Questions? Email and you will be directed to the proper person to answer.
Looking forward to seeing you in September!